Frequently Asked Questions
Is it the law to have a Fire Alarm?
“The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) is the main piece of legislation governing fire safety in buildings in England and Wales.
The FSO applies to all workplaces and the common parts of buildings containing 2 or more domestic premises. It places legal duties on anyone in control of these premises (the Responsible Person - usually the owner or landlord) to undertake and record a fire risk assessment and put in place and maintain general fire precautions.”
This can in a lot of cases mean the installation and maintenance of a Fire Alarm System.
Is it the law to have Fire Extinguishers?
Again, due to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order stating that all reasonably precautions should be taken, this would be used as a reason to have Fire Extinguishers installed on your site. A Fire Extinguisher is similar to a fire aid kit, whereby, an extinguisher is your first line of defense upon discovering a small fire, enabling trained staff to extinguiosh the fire before it gets too big and the Fire and Rescue Services are called.
Just remember, the legislation also states that only trained, competent and qualified personel are able to install and commission Fire Extinguishers, meaning tha should you buy some online, you still need to have them commissioned by a technician.
How do I know how many Fire Extinguishers I need?
The British Standards require that each site has a minimum of a 26A coverage. This A rating equates to typically two, six litre water Fire Extinguishers (each being 13A). Each floor of your site is required to have the 26A coverage however in the case of a floor being under 50m2 the quantity can be reduced to a single Extinguisher such as certain 9 litre Extinguishers.
As competent and qualified technicians, we would also be abel to survey your site and provide you with other media types to cover the other risks present, such as CO2 for electrical risks, or Wet Chemical for any frying or cooking oils on site.
This gives you a full coverage of the risks on your site, custom designed to ensure the best performance should the worst happen.
What is a Fire Risk Assessment and why do I need one?
A fire risk assessment is a review of a building's fire hazards and the measures to address them. It's important because it helps to:
Identify potential fire hazards
Determine the likelihood of a fire occurring
Evaluate the potential consequences of a fire
Determine if existing fire precautions are adequate
Improve fire safety precautions
Ensure the safety of people in the building
Prepare an emergency plan
Provide training
The FRA can be carried out by the responsible person (Busines owner or landlord etc) however, we highly reccomend that it is carried out by a qualified and competent person, usually with qualifications recognised by the Institute of Fire Engineers (The IFE) and/or the Institute of Fire Safety Managers (The IFSM). Assessors should be picked from the registers on both the IFE and IFSM websites to ensure the best person for the job is going to carry out this vital assessment.
The curent Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires every site to have an FRA irrespective of the number of employees. This law applies to non-domestic premises, including workplaces, commercial properties, and public buildings.It requires the "responsible person" (e.g., employer, landlord, or owner) to:
Conduct and regularly review fire risk assessments.
Implement and maintain fire safety measures.
Train staff and ensure fire safety compliance.