Emergency Escape and Task Lighting
Emergency Lighting is an often forgotten part of your Fire Safety systems, Ensure you are doing everything you can to evacuate people from your site safely by using qualified and competent technicians.
Emergency Escape Lighting
Most companies we visit have no idea that their emergency lighting is lacking. They also don’t realise that we are the best people to ensure the Emergency Lighting on site is designed, installed and maintained to the correct British Standards, however, with qualified electrically competent technicians, not only are we more competent, with our ongoing Continued Professional Development (CPD) plans, were are usually more qualified as well.
Emergency Escape Lighting is just that… Lighting that activates during a power outage or blown circuit breaker to ensure that people in the area can vacate the area safely and without injury.
Emergency Task Lighting
Another form of Emergency Lighting that is often forgotten about, especially in sites like dentists, vetenary practices and some doctors practices where the failiur of the local lighting could be extremely dangerous, not only to the patient, but also to the staff who may be working with sharp impliments, have fluids present that could be damaged or damaging if split amongst many more risks associated with these types of site.
The British Standards give very good guidance for these sites and the minimum amount of light that is required in specifica areas and yet it is the main one we find non-compliances with.
Ensure your building is fully compliant with a maintenance program from ACE Fire Services.